The .Net Coffee Break Show is back! Thursday 18th of June with Dino Esposito

The keyword to understand what's new in the overall ASP.NET 4.0 platform is "more control". ASP.NET 4.0 is neither revolution nor refactoring of the architecture. It consists, instead, of a good number of small-scale changes that all go in the direction of providing developers with much more control of certain frequently used features of the existing framework. For example, ASP.NET 4.0 Web Forms will give you more control over the viewstate management, the generation of ID in the context of data-bound controls, the HTML generated by some template-based controls. In addition, you find new families of pluggable components for features that weren't supporting the provider model in earlier versions of ASP.NET and a finer control over the linking of external script files through the ScriptManager control. And this is just for Web Forms. In addition, there's a bunch of new extensions for client-side rendering of AJAX pages. Not a revolution, but enough to write better applications more comfortably.
This will be broadcast live on Thursday 18th of June 11:00 GMT (Irish time!)