[ANN] DC ALT.NET (4/29/2009) – Refactoring with George Dinwiddie

Continuing with our back to basics series which started last month with an introduction to Test Driven Development, this month we are covering Refactoring.  The discussion will be led by George Dinwiddie, a software development consultant, coach and a found of Agile Maryland and the Maryland Chapter of the APLN and we’re lucky to have him.  As with before, these are quite interactive discussions, so participation is highly encouraged.  

What makes this a great session is that it nicely follows the discussion of what happens after our test goes green?  How do we improve our code?  Following this discussion will be next month’s topic on Behavior Driven Development with Evan Light which should also be a great topic which should have a lot of interest.

Below are the details:

4/29/2009 – 7-9PM

The Motley Fool
2000 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Hope to see you there!

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