DC ALT.NET Meeting - 2/25/2009 - Advanced jQuery

The February meeting for DC ALT.NET will be on February 25th from 7-9PM.  Check the our mailing list for continuing updates and future meetings.  This month, Paolo del Mundo will be presenting "Advanced jQuery".  With the inclusion of jQuery support from Microsoft, understanding this library is a must.  Being the language enthusiast that I am, I'm always looking for deep dives into languages, and Javascript has been one of those languages that I have a passion for.  Once again, I'd like to thank the Motley Fool for hosting us this month.  We're always looking for sponsors, so if you'd like to sponsor us, please contact me via the mailing list.

JSConf 2009

Just as a side note, for those also interested in Javascript developmment, JSConf 2009 which is shaping up to be one amazing conference focused around JavaScript in all forms. They have arranged some of the greatest visionaries and developers within the JS community from John Resig of jQuery to Jason Huggins from Selenium testing environment. This is an incredible opportunity for anyone doing web based development regardless of the langauge. JSConf 2009 will be held in Arlington, VA between April 24 and 25, 2009, which makes it a great local event for everyone in the Eastern region. The conference brings together 16 speakers to present on JavaScript development in the browser, mobile, desktop, and server environments. If you haven't had much of a chance to do some deep JavaScript work, but have done Java development, this conference is the best way to learn from some of the best. Although many people don't realize it, JavaScript can also be used to build thick client desktop applications. In addition, it is one of the only languages to successfully bridge object oriented and functional programming in a way that anyone can use it.

If interested, get your tickets here, as they are selling fast.

DC ALT.NET Details

After the quick aside, here are the details for the DC ALT.NET meeting.

Date/Time: 2/25/2009 - 7-9PM

Motley Fool
2000 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA, 22314

Hope to see you there!

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