Why am I here?

Sorry I never posted a welcome notice to this blog.  Anyhow, welcome to my new home on the net.  If you don't know me already, my former blog is at geekswithblogs.net.  If you're here for the first time, great! 

So, who am I?  Well, I live and work in the Washington, DC area and actively involved in the .NET and Agile side of things in the area.  I run DC ALT.NET with the help of Phil McMillan, who ought to blog more BTW..  I'm also active in planning the ALT.NET Open Spaces, Seattle event coming in April.  We're going to have a great crowd there, but space is limited.

Anyhow, my interests are many including:
  • Agile/XP
  • Functional Programming (FP)/Object Oriented Programming
  • Compilers
  • BizTalk (pays the bills)
  • SharePoint
So, hope you stay tuned!

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