Hey, do they have Krusty's Partially Gelatinated Gum-Based beverages?

I put together a little page that lists who's blogging here (dynamically, so I don't have to remember to add you) and the last 15 or so posts.
[Scott Watermasysk]

Looking good Scott!!! And look at little ol' me up there. Just 1315 more posts until I'm the first person listed on the left.

I'm working on my new machine instead of doing anything productive.  I'm teaching course 1013 next week, Mastering Visual Basic 6, so I'm sticking it to the man by running benchmarks (pics to come...).  Some of the topics include the data environment, DHTML Applications, ActiveX Documents, IIS Web Applications, and an entire section on why ADO is the greatest thing ever, and it's great support for disconnected apps.  Oh, did I mention I need to talk ad naseum about COM and how it "solves" all kinds of problems?  And then there is On Error Goto.  I'm going to set myself on fire.

Now comes the problem, do I mention .NET?  Is that fair to the student?  It seems unfair not to show all the benefits and good times to be had by using .NET, but on the other hand, they are probably being forced into using VB6 by management and .NET just isn't an option for them.  Seems like a no-win situation either way.  The way I teach the class right now is tell them what to do to make sure the upgrade path is as easy as possible, and show them that their COM components are going to be callable from .NET and vice versa if they decide to move to it.  Anyone else have an recommendations on what should be done in this situation?

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