Documenting .NET 2.0 Assemblies

I've been spending some time today documenting my code.  I'm using .NET's built-in XML comments and an alpha build of nDoc 2.0 that supports .NET 2.0 assemlies.  So far, it's been going pretty smoothly (for an alpha).  It seems quite stable and I haven't run into any show stoppers.

I noticed that it now catches if you miss a <value> tag on your properties -- nDoc 1.3.1 didn't consider that a missing value.  And I have one class with only two parameterized constructors (no parameterless constructor), but it's still complaining about a missing <summary> tag on the parameterless constructor.

I'd like to try out Sandcastle, but right now I need to be billable and playing around with a new toy is not (currently) a billable activity!

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