Ann Arbor GiveCamp

I'm proud to announce that we've now got a website for the Ann Arbor Give Camp.  This is a great opportunity for local developers to give back to the local community.  The website has all the details but here it is in a nutshell: Local charities gives us a brief overview of some development-related task they need help with (building a new website, updating an existing website, a small data collection app, etc...).  We take a bunch of local developers that have volunteered their time for a weekend and we get stuff done!

Dallas and Kansas City have recently done Give Camps and they've gone over very well.  We've got a great set of folks to help organize this event: Microsoft's Jennifer Marsman, Bill Wagner, myself, John Hopkins and many others.  Our timeframe is pretty short, but we've already gotten a ton of interest from local developers when we've mentioned this at user group meetings.

If you want to help out as a developer, go register at the site.  We're looking for all types of people -- PHP, Ruby, MySql, .NET, Sql Server, Web -- not just .NET developers.  We'll be holding the event at Washtenaw Community College on July 11th, 12th and 13th.  WCC is a great venue.  We've held a number of Day of .NET events there in the past and have been very happy with them.  And to show just how great WCC, they've donated the space and internet access for this event!  Awesome!

If you know of any charities that need help, send them over to the site.  Verio has already committed to providing free webhosting for two (2) years to any charity that we help out during the Give Camp!

If you have any questions, drop me an email or check out the website.

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