No COM+ Statistics?

For an exercise, I whipped up a simple little object that would be poolable in COM+

using System;
using System.EnterpriseServices;
namespace PooledObject
 public interface IGetData
  string XmlString();
 [ObjectPooling(Enabled=true, MinPoolSize=2,
 MaxPoolSize=5, CreationTimeout=20000)]
 public class Data : ServicedComponent, IGetData
  private string sXML;
  public Data() : base()
   sXML = "The Time is Now: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
  public string XmlString()
   return sXML;
  protected override bool CanBePooled()
   return true;

I strong named it, ran regsvcs.exe to get it installed and generated the type library. I then started VB6, added a reference to the generated type library and created a few instances of this object. Everything worked fine. But when I go into Component Services (MMC), I don't see any statistics for the object! I know it's running and pooling properly. With a MinPoolSize of 2, after the first object is instantiated, asking for a second one produces the same time string returned from XmlString. I even single-stepped through the VB6 app and I don't get the spinning icon when the component is active. Anyone have any ideas?

1 Comment

  • You need to add this attribute:


    to your Data class.

    This is turned off by default by the .Net serviced classes because it takes extra resources to show the "spinning balls".

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