Halo 3 Pre-Launch Party

I attended the Halo 3 Pre-Launch Party on Monday.  It was fun a lot of fun.  XBox 360's set up all over the place with Halo 3, PGR 3 and Forza Motorsports 2 -- and lots of good food and company!  I signed up for the tournament even though I'm not that good.  About 95% of my FPS experience has been on a PC, with a mouse and keyboard (DOOM, Quake, Half-Life, etc...).  My brother-in-law got me Halo 2 for the XBOX for Xmas a couple of years ago.  I played it a little bit, but I just couldn't transition from the fluidity of a mouse to the "stiffness" of a joystick.

So when tournament time came around, it was pretty messy.  The early rounds were 10-minute, 8-player deathmatch events.  I got one kill in the first 30 seconds or so.  That was it.  The next 9:30 minutes was me running around, tossing a few grenades (with little effect) and getting killed.  At least I got my one kill against all those kids.  And thankfully, I wasn't in last place...

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