Moving up in the GANG

Last Wednesday was election day at GANG.  Our fearless leader for the past three years, John Hopkins, had let us know earlier in the year that he would not be running for president in November.  Instead, he wanted to focus his efforts on sponsorship and publicity for our group.  With the way the economy is, running a group on donations and membership dues alone is difficult.  With John at the helm of our sponsorship efforts, I have no doubt that we'll be in good shape in the upcoming year.

As most vice president's do, I ran for president.  After a lot of campaigning, handshaking and baby kissing, I'm humbled to announce that I was voted president of GANG in a landslide victory.  And to clear the record, there was no campaigning, no handshakes and no baby kissing.  And the fact that I ran un-opposed probably led to my victory.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank John Hopkins for his leadership the past three years.  He's really taken the group in a great direction and thanks to his efforts, transitioning from vice president to president is going to be pretty easy.  I'm glad he's staying with the group as I know I'll be calling on him for assistance throughout the year.  Thanks John!

And thanks to the rest of the GANG Executive Board that was elected last Wednesday:

Vice President – David Giard (formerly our interim secretary)

Secretary – Kent Fehribach (a new member to our board.  Yeah!)

Treasurer – Jeff Kingery (Jeff has been our treasure for the past two years).


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