SRT's New Offices

Bill Wagner talks about why we finally got some office space.  I've got some pictures here that I took when I visited our new offices for last weeks AADND meeting.  The office space is really nice and I wished I lived closer so I could visit more often.  It just doesn't make sense to commute for 70 - 80 minutes (one way).  That's a lot of billable time lost!  However, I plan on being there from time to time for special events and other things that SRT will be hosting.

Now, on to the pictures.  Please excuse the lighting.  My "real" flash is in for service so I only had the camera's built-in "pop up" flash.  Those don't have a very good distance and you can't bounce them off anything so they give some harsh shadows -- so I didn't use it!

Here's looking down the office from the main door:


Here's our conference room.


From the other side of the conference room:


Our little kitchen nook:


Bill and Dianne's office:


Getting ready for a user group meeting:


What the speaker will see (minus the people!):


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