Tablet PC Day 2: Installing...
I spent some time this morning installing software on my new tablet -- then I had to get to work (you know -- "billable" work -- the stuff that pays the bills). I think I'll be able to switch to the tablet full time in about a week.
Tonight was my first chance to use the tablet in a real meeting scenario. I left my notepad at home and took only my tablet. I found taking notes with Ink to be very natural. The pen flowed nicely on the tablet and I treated it just like a regular notepad. After I got home I did a couple of searches in OneNote and was impressed by the handwriting recognition. I knew it was good, but I was really surprised it recognized some of the chicken-scratch I wrote down.
All-in-all, I was very happy with the tablet as a replacement for a notepad. I've got another client meeting tomorrow and will be leaving the old notepad at home!