The Essence of Open Source
While doing catch-up reading on the Rhino.Mocks group on Google, I came across this thread about a problem someone was having with Rhino.Mocks. What I thought was cool was the responsiveness of Ayende (the creator of Rhino.Mocks). And I'm not singling him out (I hear he hates being put on a pedestal), but I'm highlighting the generic responsiveness that you are more likely to get with an open source project. Here's a breakdown of the timeline:
8:12 PM – Original question posted about the issue.
8:38 PM – Ayende asks for clarification on the exact issue.
9:55 PM – Original poster shows sample code highlighting the issue.
11:02 PM – At the request of Ayende (@ 10:13 PM), the original poster creates a failing test case that shows the issue in Rhino.Mocks
11:34 PM – The bug is fixed and in the repository for everyone to download and use.
Slightly over 3 hours from bug report to resolved issue. That's pretty damn cool! In many commercial applications, it can take 3 hours just to acknowledge your support request.