I'm at PDC!

Well, not actually, but I’m close.  I’m certain that there will be a ton of people posting about PDC05, and those who attended the pre-sessions probably already are.  I arrived this afternoon in time to go down and get registered so I can skip that in the morning… I’ve been spending this evening working through the schedule and trying to determine which sessions to go to (there are so many!).  As always, some blocks of sessions seem pretty boring, while others have 4–5 sessions that I really want to attend (thank goodness for the conference DVD’s).

I hope to have some interesting technical things tomorrow… tonight’s post is merely informational… however, it was neat to get a few minutes to play on some Windows Vista-based machines… They have setup what they call “Internet Alley” which is essentially 300+ machines that are available for people to come up and just use… (all running Windows Vista of course).  The UI is pretty jazzy… windows and menus fade in sort of in an Mac OSX-like fashion… very smooth and sharp… it’ll be interesting to uncover the other features… I did also play with the Windows Explorer which had a number of additional tweaks…

It should be a week that will not dissapoint…


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