PDC05: Windows Communications Foundation ("Indigo")

Because the keynote went long today, they rescheduled the lunch sessions so my second session of the day was called Windows Communications Foundation ("Indigo"): A Lap around the Windows Communications Foundation. Unfortunately, I felt the session was nearly a complete waste of time.  Besides the fact that the speaker seemed less than prepared (truely seemed surprized by some of his demo results), the demo and content did not “gell” well.  There wasn’t that cohesion that makes for a good presentation.  Furthermore, while I came out of the presentation knowing how to do some WCF programming, I am still missing the *why* I would want to.  Seeing that this was the introductory session of the conference on Indigo, I assumed more time would have been spent on getting us excited about why we would want to use this new technology, and the amazing business problems it could solve for us… unfortunately, none of that was given.  Thankfully, this was the only “downer” session I attended today.

Check out MSDN for more information.

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