PDC05: Choosing the Right Presentation Technology

The second break-out session I attended today was called “Choosing the Right Presentation Technology: Windows Presentation Foundation ("Avalon"), Windows Forms, ASP.NET, IE, and More”.  The speaker was great and really seemed to know his stuff.  There wasn’t alot of raw knowledge gained during this session, however I still felt it was valuable… it might have been much more valuable if I spent more time building winform apps, or designing the graphics aspects of said applications.  Nonetheless, it was great to see another demo of WPF and WPF/E (running on OS/X).  He had a good discussion of Atlas, XAML, WPF, etc. and the history of UIs in general and how we got to where we are now… very exciting to see what a good designer working in concert with a good developer can accomplish.

Check out MSDN for more information.

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