Editing a Post in Weblogs.asp.net


I was getting a bit tired of having to go through the Dashboard – Blog and having to locate a specific post which might have been published a long time ago, so I came up with a solution.

On a blank page on your machine, add the following HTML (do replace the address of your blog and the id, of course):

   1: <a href="javascript:document.location.href = 'https://weblogs.asp.net/ricardoperes/Admin/Blogs/13/Posts/' + document.getElementById('Comments_CommentedOn').value + '/Edit'">Edit this Post</a>

Then add this to your favorites/bookmarks/whatever. Since I use Chrome, I just dragged it to the bookmarks pane. Now, when you are viewing a post, click on the bookmark and off to edit mode you go!

This is a feature of Orchard, the blog engine that Weblogs.asp.net runs, which depends on the post having comments enabled. If it doesn't, it will not work. Pay attention that by default, posts will have comments turned off after 90 days, but you can change that in the Dashboard.

Thanks to Terri Morton (@TerriMorton) from Neudesic for her help in understanding this!


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