I’m An Old School Guy

Yes, in 2014, I am still talking about ASP.NET Web Forms instead of MVC, Web API, SignalR and OWIN! Smile

It’s not that I am unaware of these technologies – in fact, I do like and wrote some things about MVC. I also did a couple of experiments with SignalR, and even posted once about it, looks really promising, even if most of the time I still have to support ASP.NET 4.

As for Web API, well, I like WCF, it covers most of my needs, and when it doesn’t, I know how to extend it to make it do. I kind of understand its purpose, but, I haven’t felt the need to use it.

OWIN is totally different. For once, I honestly don’t know exactly where it fits and haven’t understood what problems it aims to solve. I do like the idea, though, and will probably give it a look in the near future.

As for Web Forms, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, is… I really like ASP.NET Web Forms! Yes, even with all that view state, event hell, markup, code behind and so on, I think it is a great platform, with great extensibility options and lots of out of the box functionality!

So, bear with me, and let me hear your thoughts on this!

And, in the meantime, have a terrific 2014!Party smile


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