Introducing Postal.NET
Update: Postal.NET is now available in Nuget.
Postal.NET is a library I wrote for writing in-process decoupled applications, using the Publish/Subscribe and Domain Event patterns. Is is based loosely upon the Postal.js JavaScript library. When I say loosely, I mean, I didn’t look at the source code, but I like the ideas that it implements!
Postal.NET allows us to post messages to a “bus”, identified by a channel and topic pair. A channel can have any number of topics, and a topic can be in any number of channels, these are just strings.
We can subscribe to one or more channel/topic pairs and cancel each subscription when we no longer need it.
Messages are either posted synchronously or asynchronously. Each message is delivered “as-is”, but it is wrapped in an envelope that includes a couple of properties, like, the timestamp and the origin channel and topic.
Nothing too complex, yet, I hope you find it useful!
Some usages, first, a subscription and two messages being sent, one synchronously (Publish) and the other asynchronously (PublishAsync):
using (Postal.Box.Subscribe("channel", "topic", (env) => Console.WriteLine(env.Data)))
Postal.Box.Publish("channel", "topic", "Hello, World!");
await Postal.Box.PublishAsync("channel", "topic", "Hello, Async World!");
Postal.Box.Publish("channel", "topic", "Does not appear because the subscription was disposed!");
Notice the using block that wraps a Subscribe call. Subscribe returns an IDisposable, which, when disposed of, terminates the subscription, hence the third message published will not be caught by the subscription.
using (Postal.Box.Subscribe("*", "*", (env) => Console.WriteLine("Catch all!")))
using (Postal.Box.Subscribe("channel", "topic", (env) => Console.WriteLine(env.Data)))
Postal.Box.Publish("channel", "topic", "Hello, World!");
Now we have two subscriptions, one for * (any) channel and topic, and the other for a concrete one. Both subscriptions will receive the message.
using (Postal.Box.Subscribe("channel", "topic", (env) => Console.WriteLine(env.Data), (env) => env.Data is int))
Postal.Box.Publish("channel", "topic", "Does not show!");
Postal.Box.Publish("channel", "topic", 12345);
This time we are filtering the subscription: it will only fire if the message payload is an integer.
using (var evt = new ManualResetEvent(false))
using (Postal.Box.Subscribe("channel", "topic", (env) => {
Postal.Box.PublishAsync("channel", "topic", "Hello, World!");
In this example, we wait for an event to be signaled, which only happens once an asynchronous message is handled.
using (Postal.Box.AnyChannelAndTopic().Subscribe((env) => Console.WriteLine("Catch all!")))
using (Postal.Box.Channel("channel").Topic("topic").Subscribe((env) => Console.WriteLine(env.Data)))
Postal.Box.Channel("channel").Topic("topic").Publish("Hello, World!");
This final example shows the alternative fluent interface. It offers the exact same functionality.
Let’s start by the Postal class, which merely acts as an holder for an IBox:
public static class Postal
public static readonly IBox Box = new Box();
The IBox interface, the core of Postal.NET, is defined as:
public interface IBox
IDisposable Subscribe(string channel, string topic, Action<Envelope> subscriber, Func<Envelope, bool> condition = null);
void Publish(string channel, string topic, object data);
Task PublishAsync(string channel, string topic, object data);
The included implementation, Box, is as follows:
public sealed class Box : IBox
class SubscriberId
private readonly Guid id;
private readonly string channel;
private readonly string topic;
private readonly int hash;
private readonly Func<Envelope, bool> condition;
public SubscriberId(Guid id, string channel, string topic, Func<Envelope, bool> condition)
{ = id; = channel;
this.topic = topic;
this.condition = condition;
this.hash = 13;
this.hash = (this.hash * 17) ^;
this.hash = (this.hash * 17) ^;
this.hash = (this.hash * 17) ^ this.topic.GetHashCode();
private string Normalize(string str)
return str
.Replace(".", "\\.")
.Replace("*", ".*");
public bool Matches(string channel, string topic)
var channelRegex = new Regex(this.Normalize(;
var topicRegex = new Regex(this.Normalize(this.topic));
return channelRegex.IsMatch(channel) == true
&& topicRegex.IsMatch(topic);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var other = obj as SubscriberId;
if (other == null)
return false;
return ( == && ( == && (other.topic == this.topic);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.hash;
public bool Passes(Envelope env)
return this.condition(env);
class DisposableSubscription : IDisposable
private readonly SubscriberId id;
private readonly IDictionary<SubscriberId, Action< Envelope>> subscribers;
public DisposableSubscription(SubscriberId id, IDictionary<SubscriberId, Action<Envelope>> subscribers)
{ = id;
this.subscribers = subscribers;
public void Dispose()
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<SubscriberId, Action<Envelope>> subscribers = new ConcurrentDictionary<SubscriberId, Action<Envelope>>();
public void Publish(string channel, string topic, object data)
this.Validate(channel, topic);
this.PublishAsync(channel, topic, data).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
public IDisposable Subscribe(string channel, string topic, Action<Envelope> subscriber, Func<Envelope, bool> condition = null)
this.Validate(channel, topic);
if (condition == null)
condition = (env) => true;
var id = new SubscriberId(Guid.NewGuid(), channel, topic, condition);
this.subscribers[id] = subscriber;
return new DisposableSubscription(id, this.subscribers);
public async Task PublishAsync(string channel, string topic, object data)
this.Validate(channel, topic);
var env = new Envelope(channel, topic, data);
foreach (var subscriber in this.GetSubscribers(channel, topic, env).AsParallel())
await Task.Run(() => subscriber(env));
private void Validate(string channel, string topic)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(channel) == true)
throw new ArgumentNullException("channel");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topic) == true)
throw new ArgumentNullException("topic");
private void Validate(Action<Envelope> subscriber)
if (subscriber == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("subscriber");
private void Validate(Func<Envelope, bool> condition)
if (condition == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("condition");
private bool Matches(SubscriberId id, string channel, string topic)
return id.Matches(channel, topic);
private IEnumerable<Action<Envelope>> GetSubscribers(string channel, string topic, Envelope env)
foreach (var subscriber in this.subscribers)
if (this.Matches(subscriber.Key, channel, topic) == true)
if (subscriber.Key.Passes(env) == true)
yield return subscriber.Value;
And finally, the Envelope class:
public sealed class Envelope
public Envelope(string channel, string topic, object data)
this.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
this.Channel = channel;
this.Topic = topic;
this.Data = data;
public DateTime Timestamp { get; private set; }
public string Channel { get; private set; }
public string Topic { get; private set; }
public object Data { get; private set; }
The code for the fluent extensions will not be covered here, but you can find it in GitHub.
Postal.NET will not:
serialize messages or send them across process boundaries;
apply any scheduling, messages are sent immediately;
apply any transformation to the messages;
keep sent messages internally.
But it will:
keep the order by which messages were sent;
send messages to multiple channels and topics, if the * is used;
send any kind of data, it really doesn’t matter.
In the GitHub repository you will find some other projects:
PostalRX.NET: a Reactive Extensions (RX.NET) adapter for Postal.NET;
PostalConventions.NET: using conventions and a fluent interface for automatically inferring the channel and topic from the message itself.
Future Works
I have a couple of ideas, but, for now, I want to keep this simple. I will update the repository as I make progress. I’d like to hear from you on this.
Postal.NET will hopefully let you build more decoupled applications more easily. I hope you got the idea and you see value in it. As always, I’m always happy to hear your comments!