Eagerly Awaiting Today's Deliveries
I'm supposed to get 2 big things delivered to my doorstep. The first is the new processor/RAM/and keyboard upgrades I picked up on eBay for dirt-frickin-cheap. The second is my MVP package, which was renewed again this year. I made the smart call and switched to DVDs for the MSDN subscription... but that's not what I'm waiting for. Susan Bradley alluded to it... could it be? Is it possible? Does it have a Windows logo on it and play TV shows? Oh man, I hope it gets here soon. I don't know that I should get my hopes up. And don't anyone tell me, either! I wanna be surprised. <crosses fingers>
Today's gonna be a geeked out day... will give me something to do while my Grandpa has heart surgery this afternoon. They're putting in a stent, which I'm told involves roto-rootering up the arteries through the groin, blowing up a balloon, and jamming a chinese finger trap near the heart to keep the artery open and blood flowing. And you're awake the whole time. Fun. I couldn't stand it. I'd make an orderly whack me upside the head with my (empty) bedpan a few times till I was out cold. I hear you become your own Discovery Channel special, too. Maybe I can get Ken Burns to narrate it for me.
Maybe somewhere in between all that I'll actually get some work done.... yeah right. Now if I could just hack my Cox DVR box...