My blogs are back up!

Ugh, what a day man. Actually, the past 2 days have been pretty messed up. I still can't figure out how the hell my SQL server shut down and rebooted to Linux. It's not a virus, because it's only attached to my web server box, and directly to the monitoring station. The closest thing I can think of is: when the box was set up, they did a quick format instead of a normal one, and the last OS on the disk was Linux. So when the hard drive failed, the system automatically rebooted, and went to the first partition available on the boot sector. That sounds real farfetched, but it's the best guess I can offer.

So I spent the past 2 days exorcising the Penguin Demon out of my network, and we're finally back up and running. I needed a good excuse to upgrade that box to Windows Server 2003 anyways. I'm also running Software Update Services on that network as well, so I can push updates to that box without it having to be connected to the Internet. All is well with the world again. Maybe I can go back to launching my products now. God forbid if I was actually able to FINISH a piece of software. Geez.

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