I went to the Arizona .NET Users Group meeting for the first time last night. I had been meaning to go for nearly a year now, but have lacked the means and the motivation to get there. Man it was so cool. I realized that I've been holed up in my apartment too long. It was so great to get to socialize with people who know what I'm talking about when I mention "System.DirectoryServices" and "Bitwise Operators".

At the meeting, Scott Cate informed us that the AZDNUG is one of the largest (if not THE largest) .NET Users Group in the country, weighing in at almost 400 members. That's dang cool. There were a bunch of good presentations, and I learned some new things about VS.NET and creating Windows Services. I'll post a link to the presentations when they go online. Now for the exciting part:

I ended up talking to a small group of stragglers for about an hour after the presentation was over about some of the work I had done, and I guess Scott was impressed because he wants me to come into his office today (at, I presume) to discuss a job. Hell it would be a lot better than getting yelled at for $10 an hour, although at my current job I do have my own office. We'll see what kind of offer he makes me, and chances are I'll have a nice long dicussion with my girl about my options.

Well, I've been gabbing long enough. Time to grap a quick shower and start getting together my source code to take with me. I'll post this afternoon how it went!

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