Updated BOF Topic for PDC
OK, I got a little flak for my old BOF topic. I was told it sounded too much like a marketing piece than a group discussion. So I had the wording changed. It now reads as follows:
Hopefully this sounds much better, and better illustrates the true meaning of my intentions. I'm hoping to have a few other vendors there as well. It shoudl be a lot of fun, and if you make controls for a living and are at PDC, you should be there. So head on over and vote :) (right now it's on Page 3)VS.NET Whidbey: The Future of Server Controls
With the advent of VS.NET Whidbey, Microsoft is changing the way people think about programming. Whidbey includes over 40 new controls that wrap extremely advanced functionality without having to write a single line of code. Control writers do not have to wait for Whidbey to accomplish the same thing.
Interscape Technologies is a control vendor that implements these kind of solutions today. In this BOF session, Interscape and other vendors use their market expertise and real-world experience to lead a round-table discussion on how best to direct the control vendor industry into this new direction. This can be accomplished simply by building Whidbey programming techniques into .NET 1.X controls.
This is NOT a marketing presentation; instead it is a discussion where Microsoft is going and the shift vendors will need to make to get there.