Microsoft Patterns and Practices Goodies

I stumbled upon the ASP.NET Checklists today (courtesy of Roy Osherove), and have been roaming around the Patterns and Practices section all day. I've found some truly outstanding gems, and just in time to configure my new servers that are slowly coming online.

HOW TO: Harden the TCP/IP Stack
HOW TO: Use IPSec for Filtering Ports and Authentication
DOWNLOAD: Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures

I'm going to put together a series of files that assist in making the necessary changes. For example, I'm putting together a registry file for hardening the IP stack, and I may put together a simple WinForms app that lets you choose which settings to implement graphically. I might even experiment with the settings and offer various default levels. As soon as it's finished I'll post a download link.

I also found a CD of all the Patterns and Practices in the Microsoft Online Store: (You can click on the graphic to jump straight to the Microsoft Store and buy it, courtesy of the BoyWonder.NET Developer Store)

ISBN: 0-7356-1841-0

This CD includes the complete set of 28 patterns & practices including printable .PDF files for each title. Many also include fully tested, production quality source code to accelerate development. This library contains thousands of pages of detailed technical information packaged as a Web site. The contents of this disk may be copied to a network file share, or to individual PCs, for use as an online resource for your IT development and infrastructure teams.
It's only $20, so I'm going to get it. If you do buy it as well, please do it through the BoyWonder.NET Developer Store. Proceeds from all sales will go to help offset my PDC expenses, and will help me continue to do the work that I do for the community.

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