Relief like you can't imagine...

I finally got the merchant account problem squared away. It's not an appropriate post for here, so you can read about the whole ordeal here in my corporate blog. I know the site design needs work, but it's not exactly on my list of priorities right now. This incident caused us to totally change direction on our cash flow situation, and I'll be blogging about that process in my corporate blog over the next few days.

Now that that's taken care of, Product #2 is on deck to be launched Wednesday. Whether or not that actually happens Wednesday or not remains to be seen, but it's looking good so far. This is my favorite control, and I think we've gotten a good solid lock on the feature set. Special thanks to our mystery coder to all his hard work. We'll be able to announce the details later this month, but so far everything has been working out very well.

Everything's been going so well, in fact, that it looks like we'll be releasing 9 more products (besides Wednesday's crop of coolness) by the end of January. Can it be done? We'll see. It ought to be exciting.

Anyways, please go to and see what I've been yakking about for so long. It's a pretty nifty little system, especially if you want to get ready for "Yukon". GenX.NET's architecture is extremely similar to "Yukon Reporting Services", and we will provide an easy upgrade path when Yukon finally launches next year.

At any rate, I'm going to bed to sleep the sleep of a very relieved business owner. Hopefully I won't have any more fires to put out over the next few days. I really hate distractions.

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