GenX.NET Update
I just uploaded a new version of GenX.NET to This update is free to all customers, and I'd strongly recommend that anyone currenly evaluating it download the update. It includes several new features, updated documentation, and a few critical bug fixes. You can get more details here.
I'm going to go ahead and push the deadline for our Office Professional 2003 giveaway back to Monday at 5pm. This will give everyone currently evaluating it a few more days to take the plunge. On the 2nd, we'll be announcing our big holiday giveaway, which ought to be pretty cool. You'd be remiss to wait for this one though, because we only have a few people who qualified for the Office giveaway. It's very much up for grabs. This is a full retail box copy here, not just some evaluation CD.
Speaking of giveaways, I'm announcing it here first.... from now through the end of the year... buy any edition of GenX.NET 3.0, and get ScrollingGrid Developer Edition free. That can be used in conjunction with our Competitive Upgrade offer. That means if you're using SeriousFish eXport.NET, you could get both GenX.NET and ScrollingGrid for $10. More details will be available on the website on Friday.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving for everyone that's here in the States. I'm going to take the next couple days off and recover from the mad coding cycle I just finished (2 product revisions in one day). I'll see you guys back here on Friday.