Been a busy day today

Well, this stuipd box does not save your text if you accidentally navigate away from this page, so I have to start ALL OVER AGAIN, GRRR. Note to ScottW: If you set the content-expires header to a decent sized number (say 2 minutes), it won't try to grab a new page every single time, and keep the stuff you typed if you click somewhere else by mistake.

Couple of notables today. First off, anyone that knows me real well knows that I am WAY into the .NET Speech stuff. I think it's gonna be the next big thing (at least between now and Longhorn / ASP.NET 2.0 anyway) Vertigo Software, makers of the very nice yet badly crippled ASP.NET Commerce Starter Kit, has created CommerceVoice, the .NET Speech-enabled version of that application. I have not tried it out yet (still at work trying to make an impossible deadline) but I intend to at my earliest convenience. did an article on it, and MS has made it available for download. I have yet to determine why the download is so big, but I will report my findings as soon as I know.

I haved more to discuss from the day, but I will write about it later for fear I may accidentally lose what I've written this far. Back later on.



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