
I just finished cranking out an article for builder.com on the next "platform wave" coming out on the 24th. It will be the first in a series of articles discussing the new technologies becoming available to developers in the nearĀ future.

I have found that I suck really bad at time management, which I'm sure all of you can identify with. I've been working really hard to make sure that I don't start on another task until I complete the one I'm working on. I can't just expect for it to happen, I have to work on it. it's been a real challenge, but I've already seen a productivity increase. Hopefully I can keep truckin thru the weekend and meet the deadlines that I need to to be successful next week.

In other news, I officially have 12 days left to prep all of my company's products for launch. That's right, you heard it here first. You may have noticed that my company site (not mentioned here yet out of embarassment) is very barren and incomplete. This is the result of what I discussed in my last paragraph. Fortunately for me things are coming together very well, and we should be geared up and ready to go. My company is taking a big risk by releasing 1.1 only components (1.0 upon request), but I think it will prove successful. We need to give those infrastructure people reason to upgrade. That's why I'm assembling an "'Everett' Resource Center", a consolidation of information and tools regarding the all the new software that ends in "2003".

So I've been going through all my old code and making a new copy for 1.1, trying to utilize all of the new language enhancements. So far the whole "dim a placeholder variable inside a loop" thing has cut my code down by quite a few lines, which is nice. Everytime I make another pass, I find a new way to improve it. I've got to lock it down by Friday tho, so that I can complete licensing and wrap it up. the next 12 days are gonna be rough, but that's ok. I'm not gonna sweat it. I've been preparing for this for a year now.... it's gonna be great.

Well, i'm sick and tired of typing today, so I'm gonna go to my other job and do some manual labor for a while. I'll be back this evening. L8r G8r.

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