Coding on drugs...
Ever tried coding on Nyquil? It's quite an experience. You should see the code I came up with while working last night. Actually.... scratch that. I'd rather not embarass myself about it.
Spent the last 2 hours combing Anakrino for the way that the Framework handles the <requiredRuntime> compatibility tags, but to no avail. Now, I'm probably making a baseless assumption that anyone at MS gives a rat's patootie about what I blog about, but if anyone has any connections with the b0rg collective that can point me in the right direction, I would be most grateful. More helpful that anything would be if I could get in contact with the person/team responsible for writing any part of the compatibility system.
Now, i was just reading Early & Adopter's new article on VB.NET Internals.... interesting stuff. I had always wondered what a module was and why it was different from a class. Maybe I'll start using them more often. I'm gonna go make myself a bowl of oatmeal, take some more DayQuil, and see what else I learn.