Alas Poor Alsop

Several people have commented on Alsop's MS article in Fortune. One quote stuck out in my mind.

"If this company has a financial problem, it's figuring out what to do with all the cash it generates."

Hell, I'll take that kind of problem any day. But that kind of problem usually comes with boring companies that see nothing but failure. And no, I'm not a very sarcastic person. He goes on to say:

"Because—and believe me, I never thought I'd say this in a million years—Microsoft's software is good enough. We all bitch and moan about one shortcoming or another, as I've often done in these pages over the years. But there's not a whole lot Microsoft can do to make its programs so much better that they justify the suffering we have to endure any time we upgrade to something new."

OH CRAP! That's it guys, we've all hit a dead end. You might as well stop coding now because it can't get any better. I SAID STOP CODING. OK nevermind. Come on, is this guy actually serious? I hope he doesn't have his own company, cause if I were his employee, I'd be turning in my notice as we speak. Talk about a lack of vision.... what would excite this guy... if the OS could control the toilet to make it wipe your butt for you? I mean..... arrgh. One quote that has served me well, and I wish I could remember who said it:

"Good enough never is."

Sounds good to me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to innovating. And I agree with Sean & Scott. We've got a long ways to go. Kinda exciting, doncha think?

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