• Try that on B.

    Class A
    Protected Overridable Sub Foo()
    End Sub
    End Class

    Class B : Inherits A
    Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub Foo()
    End Sub
    End Class

    You need to be looking at the interface mapping if you really want to be certain.

  • Bill is right, you can't use the code you've shown above, you have to use interface mapping.
    Your code will show any sealed private method declared by the class.
    You have to call Type's FindInterfaces method. Using interfaces you have to call GetInterfaceMap on each of the retrieved interfaces, and then check if the method that is implementing interface is private. Pretty simple :)

    so something like this:
    foreach (var anInterface in GetType().FindInterfaces()){
    var mapp = GetType().GetInterfaceMap(anInterface);
    foreach(var info in mapp.TargetMethods){
    if (info.IsPrivate)
    Console.WriteLine("Explicit interface implementation: {0}", info.Name);

  • I can't shake the feeling that this can go wrong in some situations, or that it's only coincidentally correct. If I had to find explicit implementations, I'd go with something like this:

    def FindExplicitImplementations(type as Type):
    for interfaceType in type.GetInterfaces():
    for method in type.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType).TargetMethods:
    yield method unless method.IsPublic

  • Mihailo: There is no such thing as a private sealed method that you can create manually - it will not compile (method has to override another method in order to be able to be sealed)

    Also: Calling "GetInterfaceMap" when the interface is not explicitly used in the class - throws an exception.

  • Hi Roy,
    a) you're right, I wanted to concur with Bill, sorry to lead you wrong way.

    b) what do you mean by that?

    I used this code, and it worked fine, try copy paste and see if it works for you:

    foreach (var anInterface in typeof(Class1).FindInterfaces((type,criteria)=> true, ""))
    var mapp = typeof(Class1).GetInterfaceMap(anInterface);
    foreach (var info in mapp.TargetMethods)
    if (info.IsPrivate)
    Console.WriteLine("Explicit interface implementation: {0}", info.Name);

  • Explicit interface implementations aren't necessarily private unless the language is C#. In VB for example all interface implementations are explicit and can have any scope. So if you're not sure that the class you're reflecting on is written in C# as far as I can see.

  • This code is still only useful for C#. With VB the interface implementation can be explicitly mapped to public members with different names.

    As I said earlier, the correct way is to use GetInterfaceMap. I have not seen that throw exceptions for C#'s implicit implementation. Can you post an example of when it throws an exception ? thanks.

  • Hi Roy,
    Did you get the code I've sent you? The first comment had a general idea how to do it, for the second one I actually wrote a console application to test your scenario, but I don't see my second comment in the list.

  • This solution works for VB.NET and C# code
    Bill: yes this will also work on VB.NET since in VB.NET to make an EXPLICIT interface implementation, you need to make the method private (so that only casting to the interface shows it)

    for example the following private method :
    Private Sub Write(ByVal input As String) Implements ILogger.Write

    End Sub

  • Mihailo: you are right: I could not recreate that exception so your solution works as well. however, it has a loop within a loop so I'm not sure if it is as simple as mine is.

  • All interface implementations in VB are explicit, Private, Protected, Friend and Public alike. Take the following class "SomeClass" where a public method explicitly implements two interface methods as an example. Your method would not find this.

    Public Interface ISomeInterface
    Function Foo() As String
    Function Bar() As String
    End Interface

    Public Class SomeClass
    Implements ISomeInterface

    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Implements ISomeInterface.Foo, ISomeInterface.Bar
    Return "Hello world!"
    End Function
    End Class

  • Bill: Nope, I think you're right and I misunderstood the "Explicit" and thought that VB had that same feature in its compiler when in fact it's even more powerful in terms of mapping.
    That's pretty cool. I learned something!

  • Thanks Roy :) It's not that common for VB to actually have a more complete CLR implementation than C#, although it does in a few places such as custom Events have the Raise (or fire block) and optional parameters, but usually people think it's C# defines the CLR or is the complete implementation. IL/CLR is actually more powerful than the two, jsut a real pain to write

    BTW: if this is for test code spits, I'd rather have the tests spit out a test of an interface (ideally, where possible re-use standard tests for that interface and treat NotSupported exceptions as a pass)

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