Salim Fayad
LINQ to Entities – Join Queries
This is my first project on LINQ, and I got surprised on how tuff it is to build join queries. But the trick is to understand how the LINQ to Entities work.
Database Schema Comparison Using Simple Queries
There are plenty of tools to compare database schemas. But why using them while SQL Server provides everything for you through System Views (check my blog How to check the schema of your Database through queries)? This blog shows you how to do that.
Building Search Engine for the Database
In my previous post, How to check the schema of your database through queries, I talked about how to check the schema of the database. In this post, we are going to talk about how to use that to build a Search Engine for the Database, to search in all your database for a specific keyword. The output will be a table with the following fields:
Arabic Textbox Control
Normally, when you want to write in another language in word on any input form, you select the input language from the language bar, and then you write.
Rows to Columns
How to convert rows into columns? We're going to see how to do that using query, and there is the "Pivot" function in SQL Server 2005.
How to check the schema of your Database through queries
One nice thing is to be able to check and to query the schema of your database through writing simple queries and not through code.