Cleaner HTML Markup with ASP.NET 4 Web Forms - Client IDs (VS 2010 and .NET 4.0 Series)

This is the sixteenth in a series of blog posts I’m doing on the upcoming VS 2010 and .NET 4 release.

Today’s post is the first of a few blog posts I’ll be doing that talk about some of the important changes we’ve made to make Web Forms in ASP.NET 4 generate clean, standards-compliant, CSS-friendly markup.  Today I’ll cover the work we are doing to provide better control over the “ID” attributes rendered by server controls to the client.

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Clean, Standards-Based, CSS-Friendly Markup

One of the common complaints developers have often had with ASP.NET Web Forms is that when using server controls they don’t have the ability to easily generate clean, CSS-friendly output and markup.  Some of the specific complaints with previous ASP.NET releases include:

  • Auto-generated ID attributes within HTML make it hard to write JavaScript and style with CSS
  • Use of tables instead of semantic markup for certain controls (in particular the asp:menu control) make styling ugly
  • Some controls render inline style properties even if no style property on the control has been set
  • ViewState can often be bigger than ideal

ASP.NET 4 provides better support for building standards-compliant pages out of the box.  The built-in <asp:> server controls with ASP.NET 4 now generate cleaner markup and support CSS styling – and help address all of the above issues. 

Markup Compatibility When Upgrading Existing ASP.NET Web Forms Applications

A common question people often ask when hearing about the cleaner markup coming with ASP.NET 4 is “Great - but what about my existing applications?  Will these changes/improvements break things when I upgrade?”

To help ensure that we don’t break assumptions around markup and styling with existing ASP.NET Web Forms applications, we’ve enabled a configuration flag – controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion – within web.config that let’s you decide if you want to use the new cleaner markup approach that is the default with new ASP.NET 4 applications, or for compatibility reasons render the same markup that previous versions of ASP.NET used:




When the controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion flag is set to “3.5” your application and server controls will by default render output using the same markup generation used with VS 2008 and .NET 3.5.  When the controlRenderingCompatbilityVersion flag is set to “4.0” your application and server controls will strictly adhere to the XHTML 1.1 specification, have cleaner client IDs, render with semantic correctness in mind, and have extraneous inline styles removed.

This flag defaults to 4.0 for all new ASP.NET Web Forms applications built using ASP.NET 4. Any previous application that is upgraded using VS 2010 will have the controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion flag automatically set to 3.5 by the upgrade wizard to ensure backwards compatibility.  You can then optionally change it (either at the application level, or scope it within the web.config file to be on a per page or directory level) if you move your pages to use CSS and take advantage of the new markup rendering.

Today’s Cleaner Markup Topic: Client IDs

The ability to have clean, predictable, ID attributes on rendered HTML elements is something developers have long asked for with Web Forms (ID values like “ctl00_ContentPlaceholder1_ListView1_ctrl0_Label1” are not very popular).  Having control over the ID values rendered helps make it much easier to write client-side JavaScript against the output, makes it easier to style elements using CSS, and on large pages can help reduce the overall size of the markup generated.

New ClientIDMode Property on Controls

ASP.NET 4 supports a new ClientIDMode property on the Control base class.  The ClientIDMode property indicates how controls should generate client ID values when they render.  The ClientIDMode property supports four possible values:

  • AutoID—Renders the output as in .NET 3.5 (auto-generated IDs which will still render prefixes like ctrl00 for compatibility)
  • Predictable (Default)— Trims any “ctl00” ID string and if a list/container control concatenates child ids (example: id=”ParentControl_ChildControl”)
  • Static—Hands over full ID naming control to the developer – whatever they set as the ID of the control is what is rendered (example: id=”JustMyId”)
  • Inherit—Tells the control to defer to the naming behavior mode of the parent container control

The ClientIDMode property can be set directly on individual controls (or within container controls – in which case the controls within them will by default inherit the setting):


Or it can be specified at a page or usercontrol level (using the <%@ Page %> or <%@ Control %> directives) – in which case controls within the pages/usercontrols inherit the setting (and can optionally override it):


Or it can be set within the web.config file of an application – in which case pages within the application inherit the setting (and can optionally override it):


This gives you the flexibility to customize/override the naming behavior however you want.

Example: Using the ClientIDMode property to control the IDs of Non-List Controls

Let’s take a look at how we can use the new ClientIDMode property to control the rendering of “ID” elements within a page.  To help illustrate this we can create a simple page called “SingleControlExample.aspx” that is based on a master-page called “Site.Master”, and which has a single <asp:label> control with an ID of “Message” that is contained with an <asp:content> container control called “MainContent”:


Within our code-behind we’ll then add some simple code like below to dynamically populate the Label’s Text property at runtime:


If we were running this application using ASP.NET 3.5 (or had our ASP.NET 4 application configured to run using 3.5 rendering or ClientIDMode=AutoID), then the generated markup sent down to the client would look like below:


This ID is unique (which is good) – but rather ugly because of the “ct100” prefix (which is bad).

Markup Rendering when using ASP.NET 4 and the ClientIDMode is set to “Predictable”

With ASP.NET 4, server controls by default now render their ID’s using ClientIDMode=”Predictable”.  This helps ensure that ID values are still unique and don’t conflict on a page, but at the same time it makes the IDs less verbose and more predictable.  This means that the generated markup of our <asp:label> control above will by default now look like below with ASP.NET 4:


Notice that the “ct100” prefix is gone. Because the “Message” control is embedded within a “MainContent” container control, by default it’s ID will be prefixed “MainContent_Message” to avoid potential collisions with other controls elsewhere within the page.

Markup Rendering when using ASP.NET 4 and the ClientIDMode is set to “Static”

Sometimes you don’t want your ID values to be nested hierarchically, though, and instead just want the ID rendered to be whatever value you set it as.  To enable this you can now use ClientIDMode=static, in which case the ID rendered will be exactly the same as what you set it on the server-side on your control.  This will cause the below markup to be rendered with ASP.NET 4:


This option now gives you the ability to completely control the client ID values sent down by controls.

Example: Using the ClientIDMode property to control the IDs of Data-Bound List Controls

Data-bound list/grid controls have historically been the hardest to use/style when it comes to working with Web Form’s automatically generated IDs.  Let’s now take a look at a scenario where we’ll customize the ID’s rendered using a ListView control with ASP.NET 4.

The code snippet below is an example of a ListView control that displays the contents of a data-bound collection — in this case, airports:


We can then write code like below within our code-behind to dynamically databind a list of airports to the ListView above:


At runtime this will then by default generate a <ul> list of airports like below.  Note that because the <ul> and <li> elements in the ListView’s template are not server controls, no IDs are rendered in our markup:


Adding Client ID’s to Each Row Item

Now, let’s say that we wanted to add client-ID’s to the output so that we can programmatically access each <li> via JavaScript.  We want these ID’s to be unique, predictable, and identifiable.

A first approach would be to mark each <li> element within the template as being a server control (by giving it a runat=server attribute) and by giving each one an id of “airport”:


By default ASP.NET 4 will now render clean IDs like below (no ctl001-like ids are rendered):


Using the ClientIDRowSuffix Property

Our template above now generates unique ID’s for each <li> element – but if we are going to access them programmatically on the client using JavaScript we might want to instead have the ID’s contain the airport code within them to make them easier to reference.  The good news is that we can easily do this by taking advantage of the new ClientIDRowSuffix property on databound controls in ASP.NET 4 to better control the ID’s of our individual row elements.

To do this, we’ll set the ClientIDRowSuffix property to “Code” on our ListView control.  This tells the ListView to use the databound “Code” property from our Airport class when generating the ID:


And now instead of having row suffixes like “1”, “2”, and “3”, we’ll instead have the Airport.Code value embedded within the IDs (e.g: _CLE, _CAK, _PDX, etc):


You can use this ClientIDRowSuffix approach with other databound controls like the GridView as well. It is useful anytime you want to program row elements on the client – and use clean/identified IDs to easily reference them from JavaScript code.


ASP.NET 4 enables you to generate much cleaner HTML markup from server controls and from within your Web Forms applications. 

In today’s post I covered how you can now easily control the client ID values that are rendered by server controls.  In upcoming posts I’ll cover some of the other markup improvements that are also coming with the ASP.NET 4 release.

Hope this helps,



  • Didn't you just get back?? Did you write this on the plane?

  • @rajbk,

    >>>>>>>> Didn't you just get back?? Did you write this on the plane?

    Wrote it this afternoon... Now I get to sleep... :-)

  • Thanks Scott

    Fantastic examples

  • Nice post. Explains it all.

  • Great to know Scott.. Thanks.

  • Hi Scot

    Great post. I think controlling the ID on the ASP.NET controls was one of the things we had always wanted to have. I think with ASP.NET 4 we have a very clean way of controlling these IDs. Great job from the ASP.NET team and Kudos to you :)


  • Very useful as always,thanks

  • good post once again as always :-)

  • Could you provide an example of using javascript to reference the predictable, suffixed IDs generated by the ListView?

  • Great to see this new level of control for web-form developers. We've honestly moved away from webforms in favor of MVC for a lot of the reasons that are now being addressed in 4.0 web-forms. Nonetheless, I am sure we will still have to work with web form projects here and there, so this is a welcome addition!

  • Yes its definitely help us to write client side code for dynamically generated server controls. Thanks a lot.

  • Is the generated HTML markup for controls such as GridView more web designer friendly (less table oriented) in .NET 4.0?

  • great feature. thanks scott

  • Hi Scott,

    For the ClientIdMode, the default value for pages is AutoId and for controls Inherit.
    Predictable is in neither case the default.


  • This is a very welcome change. But it does beg the question, "What was the point of the ctl00 prefix in the first place"?

  • I believe this will also fix the ControlID issue for the CONTROLPARAMETER in the datasource if the controls were in a different container ( it was strange that I have to use ControlID="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtDate" for a server-side control !)?

  • Hi Scott,

    Wonderful article. Thanks for sharing :) , Does ASP.NET provide any new concept about caching?


  • This is not exactly on topic, but the new ASP.NET Menu outputs javascript, even with an Adapter attached.

    new Sys.WebForms.Menu({ element: 'NavigationMenu', disappearAfter: 500, orientation: 'horizontal', tabIndex: 0, disabled: false }

    Is there a way to avoid that?

    Also see here:

  • Thanks for the always-useful-post. ClientID issues was one of the main problem I had in some of my Web applications. Maybe I can use this feature in my upcoming projects ;-)

  • WoW I have been wanting this for a long long time. One question though can we set ClientIDMode to Static in a List control ? What effect will that have on List's bound inner control IDs

  • This is great.. but I really think ASP.NET needs a total redesign that will make it suite to the AJAX era.
    Like a unified client framework with special controls and client-code that is written in C# style code and then translated into javascript.

    WebForms is not written in AJAX/Performance/client in mind.
    MVC is just a server framework with too much development overhead.
    ASP.NET Ajax is too complicated for simple tasks and not much integrated into the core ASP.NET framework.

    Hope you'll do better in ASP.NET 5.0 :)

  • This is great, I was waiting this for a long time. Now you can write cleaner javascript code too.

  • @rblaettler,

    It looks like the js is hardcoded by default in an internal class called MenuRendererStandards which inherits from Menu.MenuRenderer :(


  • Woah!.. Client Goodness!

  • @Raj
    Is there any way around this? It kills my own javascript that I have for the menu.

  • Thanks Scott!
    Love that I can jQuery my application in everyway possible now.

  • Very welcome features!! Is there any incoming plan to extend this clean ID generation, to the name attribute of the input elements? and why not, to remove the restriction of have to place server controls inside run at server forms? This could be the final steps to make possible the free usage of ASP.NET server controls in an ASP.NET MVC application...very very nice, at least for me!

  • @Nadia,

    >>>>>>>> Could you provide an example of using javascript to reference the predictable, suffixed IDs generated by the ListView?

    You should be able to use standard techniques to reference the ID element. For example, with jQuery you could write:

    var item = $("Airports_Airport_SEA");

    Hope this helps,


  • @Dmitry,

    >>>>>>>> Is the generated HTML markup for controls such as GridView more web designer friendly (less table oriented) in .NET 4.0?

    My next blog post (hopefully tonight) will cover some of the semantic markup changes being made with .NET 4. The GridView is primarily about displaying tabular data - so it still uses tables. Controls like Menu, CheckBoxLists, etc now use Divs though. I'll post more details in the next post.

    Hope this helps,


  • @Javier,

    >>>>>>>> For the ClientIdMode, the default value for pages is AutoId and for controls Inherit. Predictable is in neither case the default.

    Actually, Predictable is the default for pages. Controls inherit their parents by default - which is why that means predictable rendering happens by default for them as well. The first beta was different - which might be why you thought it was AutoId by default.

    Note that if you upgrade an existing project, then the web.config file is updated to run in compat mode - in which case AutoId is the default.

    Hope this helps,


  • @Dan,

    >>>>>>>>> This is a very welcome change. But it does beg the question, "What was the point of the ctl00 prefix in the first place"?

    The origional goal was to ensure that ID values were unique. But the implementation ended up making them both unique and kinda ugly. .NET 4 hopefully makes them unique and clean by default.

    Hope this helps,


  • @ rblaettler

    >>>>>>>> This is not exactly on topic, but the new ASP.NET Menu outputs javascript, even with an Adapter attached. Is there a way to avoid that?

    I'll cover the menu control more in my next blog post. But the short answer is that it now has a EnableClientScript="false" property that you can set to avoid any JavaScript being rendered.

    Hope this helps,


  • This is great.
    Well Written

  • @Junaid,

    >>>>>>> WoW I have been wanting this for a long long time. One question though can we set ClientIDMode to Static in a List control ? What effect will that have on List's bound inner control IDs

    Yes - you can set it to be static within a list control. That will make the ID's flat at that level. You could then optionally turn it to be Predictable again within the templates as well. Basically you can change the default behavior at any level of the control hierarchy.

    Hope this helps,


  • I hate to be the only negative voice but this really feels like a bodge to cover up a bad id naming system... it's always been a pain to get the correct ID's for controls and then all the fidling to sort the interaction between javascript and the form and now finally in version 4 we're back to where it started!
    Despite this, it's handy to finally be able to keep the ID's you specify so thanks!

  • Awesome..! I like it. Waiting for it from a long time. Getting really excited to use VS 2010 on Realtime projects.

  • Great news! Static IDs - something I've been longing for! With predictable IDs it will be way easier to use jQuery with ASP.NET : )


  • @ScottGu
    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately the EnableClientScript="false" does not show up in AutoComplete, nor does it have any effect. I'm using ASP.NET 4.0 RC.

    Is this for a newer version?

  • Hell, it's about time :)

    I mean it's about time MS got this right. This is enough to make me switch to .net 4.0 ASAP. I was never that eager to upgrade to a newer version.

  • when i was starting to use,i hate the ugly auto id. the new id mechanism really make me happy.

  • It's really usefull.

  • That's good feature! It will be better when use jQuery Library.

  • Hi Scott, thanks for such a wonderful post.

  • Its a really very helpful article.

  • Now I remember why I've come to love MVC -- things are clean from the start and not all that extra knowledge about the proper way to do something in asp so that it turns out right on the client. Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that you team is interested in clean output, but it just seems like another hack trying to fix a flawed pattern (i.e. web forms).

  • Hello Scott,
    Are there some performance improvements in ASP.NET 4.0. I am specifically looking for changes made in ASP.NET infrastructure like HTTP pipeline or modules or handlers. Still the topic how HTTPApplication class works is not so clear to me. How it is used and pooling things

  • I would love to see/hear that the Calendar control has been shown some love. There are some weird things going on with that control; weird from a design point of view. You can customize each cell but not next/previous month without ending up with nested anchors because it assumes you're always going to use PostaBack. It also hardcodes some style settings without a way of overriding them, and so on. With a little bit of cleanup it could be transformed into a very powerful control...

  • Scott, we need cleaner html after rendering. No garbage. This one gives us the hope. Good post

  • Looking forward to that article on the asp:menu control. Given the importance of the control, the current one is mildly put horrible (any web designer who's tried using it knows what I'm talking about)

  • This post is very great, I help me understand more about .Net web development, I will waiting for next upgrade.

  • This is good to hear but why did some server controls not adhere to the XHTML 1.1 specification to begin within in 3.5 and below?

  • Would placing the VIEWSTATE near the closing FORM tag be more SEO-friendly since some search engines only index the first n-amount of bytes? Would doing so have an adverse affect on page performance and logical execution?

  • new information for me. Thanks.

  • why the XHTML 1.1 specification to begin within in 3.5 and below?

  • nice! thank you.

  • It's great that ASP NET 4.0 learns from the mistakes of the past. Thanks for this article. Onestly I don't see the point in adding a property like 'ClientIDRowSuffix'. This could have been done very easy differently, still using databinding for constructing client item ids.

  • Awesome stuff both the changes and the post

  • There are some weird things going on with that control; weird from a design point of view. You can customize each cell but not next/previous month without ending up with nested anchors because it assumes you're always going to use PostaBack. It also hardcodes some style settings without a way of overriding them, and so on. With a little bit of cleanup it could be transformed into a very powerful control...

  • Great post and a very nice feature Scott!!!

  • Hi,

    Thats very nice article .

    Very deep and elobaorate.


  • nice article

  • Thanks Scott, looking forward to 4.0!

  • Wow.So clean and beautifuly implemented. The ClientIDMode property & ClientIDRowSuffix Property are pure genius. You have no idea what I had to do to access ASPNET server controls using jquery.

    I have been having been woried sick lately thinking that webforms was dead and gone and we'll all have to switch to MVC(or worse PHP !!). But the new Improvements in 4.0 have made me a believer again.

    Great Job! Keep the improvements coming.Eventually I will have no reason at all to switch !

  • Could someone please provide me coding and html for an order form of ASP???

  • Is there any performance issues related to ClientIDMode.?

  • Awesome examples. They were helpful. Thanks

  • That is very useful information as always,thanks

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