Ted Graham on .NET
Interesting issues and tidbits about software development, generally using .NET
Loading the assembly for a custom log4net appender
A log4net appender that uses SmtpClient
using System;
A realistic log4net config
Most log4net config file examples show the simplest case. Here is a more realistic example of a production log4net config that uses multiple appenders. This comes from an ASP.NET application, but the same technique will work in a server or client application. This config sets up two appenders:
Software Startup Series
My series highlighting helpful information for software startups is now in the 8th week. I started this as a way to communicate helpful information with my partners, but it is starting to get some traffic and take on a life of its own. The micro-ISV movement is gaining momentum, Channel 9 has even started a show about it.
Installing VS 2003 AFTER VS 2005
Like most developers, I've already upgraded to VS 2005. However, a product which I am releasing soon uses .NET 1.1 for the client side to ease installation. So I had to install VS 2003 after having VS 2005 installed. Luckily, and thanks to MS, it worked great.
Razr survives the washing machine
Following a long night of poker on Saturday, I started a load of laundry. After transferring it to the dryer, I heard a suspicious thumping and found my Razr had gone through the full cycle.
Subversion Hosting
I'm always shocked when I encounter people and projects that aren't using version control. After years of knowing that I can rollback to a previous version, working on files that aren't versioned scares me. I keep everything possible checked in, including tax files, my diaries, etc.
Copyright for Software Companies
Most programmers only think about copyright when management decrees that every file needs a copyright notice at the top or bottom. Next month, I’m sure a junior developer somewhere will be assigned to update the copyright date on a source tree to show 2007, while the features that would make that product a success languish unimplemented.
Google Search API fails sporadically with "502 Bad Gateway"
I heard about Google's web service interface to the search database back when it was released, but today was my first attempt to use it. I'm trying to learn python, but the SOAP toolkits for python seem to be in a state of flux so I switched back to C# rather than figure out which python libraries to download.
Web Service performance numbers--plenty fast for UI work
While designing Web Services, the question of "interface granularity" often comes up. Conventional wisdom is that Web Service calls are slow, so the interface must be quite coarse to prevent performance problems.