Iteration #1 – Day #7 Tuesday 12/17/2002

Brief status: bullpen space is ready, desktops are installed, servers built. Hooray! A couple of us actually worked in the "pod" as it is called, but no pairing yet. At this point it looks like this is not going to happen this iteration.

One of the developers asked me how much refactoring he should do while he was changing a stored procedure. I told him as long as he had tests he could do what he thought was necessary (as long as he made his commitments). His response was that the stored procedures didn't have any tests. When I told him to write some he looked at me strangely and went back to coding. A good example of falling back on old habits when the percieved benefits are not obvious.

Our ability to integrate frequently (or lack thereof) is impeading our progress somewhat this iteration as creating a build for QA was estimated at 1-2 hours. We are also struggling with the concept of how to "collaborate with QA" rather than "turning over to QA". Hopefully, much of this will be resolved with the bullpen and some experience.

To date everyone is still on board and cooperative with the changes I proposed. I know some of this is related to the fact that change can stimulate activity (good and bad). We'll see what happens once agile becomes "normal" here.