Writing Testable Code - Story: Retrieve RSS Feeds

See http://dotnetweblogs.com/Wallen/posts/4065.aspx for backgound info.

Story Name: Retrieve RSS feed(s) and display as posts in Outlook folder

Description: Retrieve each of the subscribed RSS feeds and create a "post" message in the News folder for each RSS item.


  •  The "from" column will be the RSS channel title
  • The "subject" column will be the RSS item title
  • The "body" will be the RSS item description
  • The "sent" column will be the RSS item pubDate
  • The "received" column will be the time the item was processed
  • All feeds will be put in the same folder (News)
  • Each item will only be added to the list once (no duplicate posts)
  • A duplicate is determined by comparing from, subject and body


  • Get a list of RSS feeds
  • Retrieve a RSS feed
  • Determine if a RSS feed item is a duplicate
  •  Create a post from an RSS feed item and add it to the News folder