Writing Testable Code - Story: Retrieve RSS Feeds
See http://dotnetweblogs.com/Wallen/posts/4065.aspx for backgound info.
Story Name: Retrieve RSS feed(s) and display as posts in Outlook folder
Description: Retrieve each of the subscribed RSS feeds and create a "post" message in the News folder for each RSS item.
The "from" column will be the RSS channel title
The "subject" column will be the RSS item title
The "body" will be the RSS item description
The "sent" column will be the RSS item pubDate
The "received" column will be the time the item was processed
All feeds will be put in the same folder (News)
Each item will only be added to the list once (no duplicate posts)
A duplicate is determined by comparing from, subject and body
Get a list of RSS feeds
Retrieve a RSS feed
Determine if a RSS feed item is a duplicate
Create a post from an RSS feed item and add it to the News folder