Async commands work with 64 bits

I just did some async stuff in Whidbey to a Sql2k Server running on a remote machine.  The remote server is running Win2k with Sql2k (both 32 bit) on it.  It works!  Yippee! 

Here is the code:

using System.Data.SqlClient;

private SqlCommand sqlCm = null;

string strCn = "data source=.....favorite server.....;initial catalog=dbWhidbey;User Id=.....favorite user id......;Password=.....favorite value.....";
string strSql = "insert into tblTest ( Setting, Value ) values ('Test1', '64 bits')";
sqlCm = new SqlCommand();
SqlConnection sqlCn = new SqlConnection();
sqlCn.ConnectionString = strCn;
sqlCm.Connection = sqlCn;
sqlCm.CommandText = strSql;
sqlCm.CommandType = CommandType.Text;


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