.NET 2.0 SP1 in 2007? - I think I agree with Frans on this one

While I don't agree with Frans all the time, I do agree with him regarding the .NET 2.0 SP1.  Holding on shipping that until 2007 is not the best idea in the world.  What's wrong with shipping updates every quarter?  Every 6 months?  Pick your favorite regular timeframe. 

We've never seen a SP for VS.NET 2003(for .NET 1.1 yes, but not VS.NET 2k3), which is a major problem for me given that it still reports an error when you specify the AssociatedControlId to a label.  Would someone please explain why there has been no update to VS.NET 2003?  What about the Whidbey versions of VS.NET and .NET?

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