Interesting the little changes that take place during development.......
For reasons that will become clear later, I've had to go back and look at some code that I wrote on the old ASP.NET AJAX CTPs from last year. Yes, that's right, not the betas from last fall, but from earlier code. Anyway, I had to look at some code to integrate with the ASP.NET Profile Service. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why it wasn't working. I finally looked in the web.config, which I had updated but hadn't really checked. I found the following line:
<profileService enabled="true" readAccessProperties="*" writeAccessProperties="*" />
Hmm, that should work............mind starts doing some lookups on things.............Hmmm, I think I'll put the actually properties in there and try that. So, I changed the link to:
<profileService enabled="true" readAccessProperties="Name,City, Address, ZipCode, AddressState" writeAccessProperties="Name,City, Address, ZipCode, AddressState" />
I tried that an low and behold, it worked.