Design Patterns

Lots of buzz about this at the moment so I thought I'd share the links I've built up so far...

C# Design Patterns based on the 'Gang of Four' classic patterns

Essential Software Design Patterns

Clipcode Snippets for UML provides samples of using the UML modeling constructs and shows how to forward engineer them into source code in a variety of programming languages. Code samples are provided in ISO C++, C#, VB.NET, Java, EcmaScript, SQL and XML1.0/XML Schema, where appropriate.

The authors of the DesignPatternsBook came to be known as the gang of four. The main reason was just that the name of the book is too long for e-mail, so "book by the gang of four" became a shorthand name for it. After all, it isn't the ONLY book on patterns. That got shorted to "GOF book", which is pretty cryptic the first time you hear it.

I also recently had a test-drive on the Rational XDE tool - I can only pray that the open source community will come up with our own version of a 'pattern engine', the tool really demonstrates how design has been abstracted from 'hands-on' coding and I was sufficiently impressed to recommend anyone working on large-scale projects with an infinite life-cycle to check this tool out.

[Ed Daniel's .net blog...]

Thanks Ed for the resources I've seen GOF before in postings but never took the time to figure out what it was. I think I'm now going to have to read the book Design Patterns by Gang of Four. All yeah welcome to dotnetweblogs Ed, I sure you will enjoy it.  I also agree with you about needing an open source UML / pattern engine tool for .net. 

PS: Some time soon, in my copious free time, I need to figure what out what this Wiki Wiki Web thing is all about.

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