Open external links in new tab for IE 7 beta

PetKnep wrote:

Well, guess they didn't port my changes to the MIX build branch in time. I was working on it pretty close to that deadline.

The old setting was inetcpl->Advanced->Reuse windows for launching shortcuts. The default was broken when I put my fix in, you may have to check/uncheck the box once for it to register. I believe if you have that checked it will open outside links in a new tab.

If my IE changes are there, but just inetcpl didn't get updated. You can change HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TabbedBrowsing -> ShortcutBehavior to 0, 1, 2.
0 is new window
1 is new tab
2 is stomp current

[Channel 9 Forum]

It turns out depending on which version of IE 7 beta you are running one of the two options above should setup Internet Explorer to open external links (such as links in Outlook) to open in a new tab instead of opening a new window. For me I was running an older version and thus need to set Internet Options->Advanced->Reuse windows for launching shortcuts (Link to registry key if anyone is interested) . When I first starting using IE 7, a few months ago, I was trying to figure this out and I looked at this option but it was already checked. To my surprise was PetKnep's little note that it was broke unless you unchecked/checked that option. After doing that little step it started working as I expected. This as been my biggest annoyance since I started using IE 7 and I'm glad its now gone.

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