Orchard Core Beta

We are really proud to announce that the first version of Orchard Core has been released in Beta.

What is Orchard Core and Orchard Core CMS?

Orchard Core is a Modular and Extensible Application Framework developped on the .NET Core ecosystem.
It allows you to create Multi tenant SaaS applications and host multiple sites with only one instance.
Orchard Core CMS is a full featured Content Management System that provides many useful modules.
With it, you can easily enable existing features or add your own modules to extend your application.

What features are available?

These features are available out of the box:

  • Nuget Packages: Add reference in your application to Orchard Core Nuget packages.
  • Performance: Handle many requests per second by default and even more with Response Cache.
  • Portable : You can develop and deploy on multiple platforms : Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Deployment: Import/Export the data and the structure of your site with deployment plans.
  • Setup: Use different recipes to setup your site with initial features and content types using configurable steps and dynamic parameters. 
  • Storage: YesSQL allows you to store your contents in SQL Server, SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL as if it was a document database.

Many other modules can allow you to create a CMS:

  • Create your Content Types adding out of the box predefined Parts and Fields.
  • Customize your site using Themes with ASP.NET Razor or Liquid syntax files.
  • Define different Zones on the site and add Widgets anywhere in your pages.
  • Declare Templates in admin that overrides the rendering of your content types.
  • Edit your content with Wysiwyg or Mardown editors that can use Liquid filters.
  • Get a Live Preview of your content in separate window while editing it from the admin.
  • Manage the Users, Roles and Permissions to give access to the Admin dashboard pages.
  • Manage your Assets and Media folders, upload files and add link to dynamically resized pictures.
  • Organize your Contents and navigate in the site: Lists, Menus, Taxonomies, Urls, ...
  • Search: Index your data and Query them in Sql or Lucene using Liquid syntax.

What is the current Status?

Orchard Core is currently in Beta. See the Roadmap for more details. 
This is an Open Source project so everyone can contribute and help in many ways to make it grows.

How do I get started?

Create an application using Orchard Core is as easy as adding a Nuget package reference to your ASP.NET Core project and configure two lines in the startup.cs file.
You can have a running instance in less than 5 minutes following this tutorial.

Useful links:

GitHub repository : https://github.com/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore
Gitter chat room : https://gitter.im/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore
Orchard Project site : http://orchardproject.net
Orchard Core documentation : http://orchardcore.readthedocs.io


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