Which Dependency Injection Framework?

I'm in the planning phase of a new ASP.NET project.  Currently I'm evaluating the various software components and packages I'm going to use to put this project together.  With all of the hype surrounding Dependency Injection, I've decided to give it a try in this new project.  The two most popular frameworks for DI, as far as I can tell, are Spring.NET and StructureMap.

I'm leaning towards Spring.NET simply because it offers so much more besides DI.  I can, however, appreciate the XML-less features present in StructureMap 2.0.  I'm not sure whether that feature is important enough to choose StructureMap over another offering.

I'm hoping the ASP.NET community can lend some advice as to which framework to use.  Of all of the available options, which would you choose and why?


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