What's in a name? The developer vs programmer non-issue.

I remember seeing the "Developers vs Programmers" article on digg recently. I did think at the time that it was a bit over the top. Mike has managed to capture my exact feelings on this subject in this post: http://weblogs.asp.net/miked/archive/2006/10/13/_2200_Developers_2200_-and-_2200_Programmers_2200_.aspx

The thing I like most about Mike's post is the theme of "teamwork". There are many aspects to software development. Being a "guru" at all aspects is becoming more and more impossible. It is all to common to think in black and white these days. Every subject seems to be polarized. In my opinion the world is a better place when we treat each other with respect and recognize each others abilities and contributions.

So thanks, Mike, for reminding me that not everyone in the world sees things in such black and white terms.

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