Assemblies Go Missing in MVC 2 Project!

Sometimes, my MVC 2 project fails during development because an assembly has disappeared from the /bin folder.

I have no idea what gremlin is messing with my project, but I wish it would stop! For quite a while, AntiXssLibrary.dll was the target. In the latest, a third-party assembly wasn’t found.

Whenever I get a sudden, bizarre, inexplicable runtime error, I should remember to re-copy all the library files.

Has this happened to anyone else in VS 2010?

1 Comment

  • Here's a Stupid Question, What Antivirus are you running, it is possible some AV or Anti-Malware software might be taking it away, if you're running Windows OS and AVG is installed, I could almost be 99% sure that is the reason.

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