
Archives / 2013 / March
  • Is it time for cloud-based ASP.NET IDE?

    We already have a standard IDE in Visual Studio. We also have a very innovative IDE in WebMatrix that can work with node.js and php in addition to ASP.NET. Why do we need another IDE? Well, let me first talk about the feasibility and then throw in some ideas on what we could do with it.

    I have noticed CodeMirror for a long time. Recently, I have also noticed ACE on which the Cloud9 IDE is based. I was impressed that both CodeMirror and ACE supported Typescript soon after it was released. I was also impressed with the Cloud9 IDE that can debug Node.js code. All these projects have benefited from rapid improvement of the Javascript engine in modern browsers and I think that the era for very functional web-based IDEs has arrived.

    So what can we do with a cloud-based IDE? Firstly, like what Cloud9 demonstrated, the code lives on the cloud. Secondly, people can collaborate. Thirdly, I think it is possible to improve experience to what we have never seen before, so let me elaborate below.

    In Visual Studio, when we want to see how the ASP.NET page looks like, we switch to the designer mode but that is not really close to what we see at runtime. In a cloud-based IDE, we can see the code and how it renders side-by-side, like what JsFiddle has demonstrated. ASP.NET does not execute the code on the website directly; it first compiles the code into the “Temporary ASP.NET Files” directory and executes the assemblies from there. That makes it feasible to edit and run the code at the same time.

    Visual Studio has been heavy on ORM (i.e., entity framework) and lighter on code-generation. I have been favoring code-generation over ORM. This is because with ORM we are tweaking a black box to generate desired SQL. With code-generation, we can see exactly what we get and tweak the templates when necessary. Visual Studio has limited runtime information; it gets its information either from parsing the code, or from meta-data stored in XML files. With a cloud-based IDE that is working with running code, it is possible to get richer runtime information and generate code (or scaffold) under much wider scenarios. So how do we map the server-side code to html in the browser? That is where ideas like source map could help, and we have very good tools in querying DOM already.

    So I believe all the technical pieces for a cloud-based ASP.NET IDE are available.

  • Lessons from the ASP Classic Compiler project

    I have not done much with my ASP Classic Compiler project for over a year now. The lack of additional work is due to both the economic and the technical reasons. I will try to document the reasons here both for myself and for would–be open source developers.

    How the project got started?

    I joint my current employer at the end of 2008. The company had a large amount of ASP classic code in its core product. The company was in talk with a major client on customization so that there was a period that the development team had fairly light load. I had a chance to put in a lot of thinking on how to convert the ASP classic code to ASP.NET. One of the ideas was to compile ASP Classic code into .net IL so that they can be executed within the ASP.NET runtime.

    I do not have a formal education in computer science; my Ph.D. is in physics. I had been very fond of writing parsers by following the book “Writing Compilers & Interpreters” since 1996. I wrote a VBA like interpreter and a mini web-browser, all in Visual Basic, using the knowledge acquired. Nevertheless, a full-featured compiler is still a major undertaking. I spent several months of my spare-time working on the parser and compiler, and studied the theory behind. I was able to implement all the VBScript 3.0 features and the compiler was able to execute several Microsoft best-practice applications. The code runs about twice as fast as ASP Classic. I had lots of fun experimenting with ideas such as using StringBuilder for string concatenation to drastically improve the speed of rendering. I was awarded Microsoft ASP/ASP.NET MVP in 2010. In 2011, I donated the project to the community by opening the source code after consulting with my employer.

    Since then, I faced challenges on two fronts: adding VBScript 5.0 support and solving a large number of compatibility issues in the real-world. After working for a few more months, I found it difficult to sustain the project.

    Lesson 1: the economy and business issues

    1. Sustainability of an open source project requires business arrangements. I am an employee. Technical activities outside the work are welcome as long as it benefits the employer. However, excess amount of activities not relating to the work could be a loyalty issue.

    2. ASP Classic is a shrinking platform. So ASP Classic Compiler would not be a sound investment for most businesses except for Microsoft who has interest in bridging customers from older to newer platform painlessly.

    Lesson 2: the technical issues

    1. VBScript is a terrible language without a formal specification and test suites. The best “spec” outside of the users’ guide is probably Eric Lippert’s blog. It is not getting much maintenance and it is losing favor. As a result, few other developers with knowledge in compiler would have interest in VBScript.

    2. Like the IronPython project and the Rhino projects, I started by writing a compiler. I was very shrilled that my first implementation without much optimization is about twice as fast as VBScript in my benchmark test. However, I had many obstacles on compatibility and adding the debug feature. If I would do it again, I would probably implement it as an interpreter with an incremental compiler. The interpreter would have a smaller start-up overhead. I can then have a background thread compiling the high usage code. The delayed compiling would allow me to employee more sophisticated data-flow analysis and construct larger call-site blocks. The current naïve implementation on DLR results in too many very small call-sites so that type-checking at call-sites is a significant overhead.

    In summary, I had lots of fun with the project. I significantly improved my theoretical knowledge of algorithms in general, and of parsers and compilers. I had the honor of being awarded Microsoft ASP.NET/IIS MVP for the past 3 years and enjoyed my private copy of MSDN subscription at home. After a working prototype, the remaining work to take it to a production quality software is more a business problem than else. I am actively contemplating some new forward-looking ideas and wish I have some results to share soon.