Mads Nissen
backlog on sharepoint, crm, office, .net development, architecture and more..
Handling an orphaned SPPersistedObject when working with e.g. SPJobDefinition or SPDiagnosticsServiceBase
I've been working with improving our Puzzlepart Framework components for simplifying development of SharePoint Timer Jobs lately, in relation to our upcoming release of "Did - The calendar is the timesheet" business app for SharePoint, and (as usual when digging deep into SharePoint) I ran into some problems with our beloved platform that needed resolution:-)
Arctic SharePoint Challenge 2011 Announced!
Me and the guys at Puzzlepart have been working with some of our friends at NSPUG (Computas, Steria and Microsoft to be specific) for the past months in planning a different SharePoint event up here in the cold north. It's scheduled adjacent to the SharePoint Best Practices Conference in London in case some of our international friends wants to join in.
Google GMail routes mail not adressed for gmail to GMail
I need to get this out of my system:
Display a PowerPoint deck in SharePoint 2010 using Office Web Apps
During a SharePoint 2010 training class i was conducting this week we were implementing a case originally created for MOSS 2007, where the author of the case had added a requirement to show a PowerPoint deck in a SharePoint page. This threw me a bit off, as I couldn't remember seeing any direct functionality for this. I turned out that the author had intended the students to research 3rd party solutions for this.
Location-Based Metadata #sp2010plaintalk
This is the first post in a series of SharePoint 2010 plaintalk (#sp2010plaintalk) aimed at SharePoint professionals who are exploring features of the platform, typically to do feasibility assessments for applying platform features in projects. With every new version of the platform I tend to spend a lot of time digging through the marketing and technical content of the new features to understand what a new feature *really* does. We'll start out with a small one on Location-Based Metadata (sounds fancy doesn't it:)
The "Yesterdays Party" Code Smell
Discussions are going strong here at the Puzzlepart code camp in Colombo and we're noticing things about the way we work all the time. Commonly our discussions happens on video when the team is distributed, but for these weeks we're all onsite and we're really taking advantage of that.
Creating Office add-ins with VSTO with Add-in Express
Back in 2005 I wrote several posts addressing challenges related to building and packaging Office add-ins with VSTO. We managed to complete a few very cool add-ins for customers, but I have to admit that we did have our share of problems.
Puzzlepart Product Boxing Rocks
I had a few main drivers for starting the Puzzlepart project in the first place. First; working with great people, secondly having fun at work following the team principles.Third; always challenge with new ways of work.
Puzzlepart Team Complete
This monday, Andreas Eide joined our team as the 9th key player in our business mission. Andreas joins us from TANDBERG where he has spent the past years managing the R&D of video collaboration solutions used by customers no less important than the White House. Andreas concluded the establishment of the Puzzlepart core team, and throughout the past few months concrete plans have started to emerge, pinpointing the direction to realizing real Enterprise 2.0 applications for the Microsoft SharePoint platform.
Efficient Workflow Architectures at Software 2010 in Oslo
Tomorrow I'm doing a session at the Software 2010 conference arranged by Den Norske Dataforening (DND) in Oslo.