
Archives / 2009 / October
  • Create a Login Screen in Silverlight 3

    After my last blog post on “Create a Login Window in WPF”, I had a lot of requests for how to create the same login screen in Silverlight 3. There are actually just a few changes that had to be made to get the same look in feel in Silverlight 3. Figure 1 shows what this login screen looks like under Silverlight.

  • Create a Login Window in WPF

    Most business applications require some sort of security system. You can always use Windows Authentication to authenticate a user, but sometimes you might want your own authentication scheme. When you do, you will need to create a login screen for your user to enter her login id and password. This article will explore creating a login window in WPF.

  • Binding to Config Settings in WPF

    Almost every application has a configuration file used to store global settings. What would be cool is to have a global settings class that reads this data from the .Config file, then can be used to bind to UI elements within your WPF application. This is actually very easy to accomplish using the data-binding features in WPF.

  • Creating Border-less Windows in WPF

    When creating a splash screen or to just have a different look for the windows in your WPF application, you might wish to eliminate the border to give it a custom look (see Figure 1). This can be done very easily with WPF.

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