
Archives / 2011 / June
  • Sort Data in Windows Phone using Collection View Source

    When you write a Windows Phone application you will most likely consume data from a web service somewhere. If that service returns data to you in a sort order that you do not want, you have an easy alternative to sort the data without writing any C# or VB code. You use the built-in CollectionViewSource object in XAML to perform the sorting for you. This assumes that you can get the data into a collection that implements the IEnumerable or IList interfaces.

  • Synch a ComboBox in Silverlight with Foreign Keys

    In most database applications you will have foreign keys to express a relationship between one table and another. Many times this takes the form of a lookup table where you want the user to pick from a selection of items such as an Employee Type for an Employee record. You don’t want to have the user remember a number such as 1, 2, or 3, but instead they will pick from a list of the description that corresponds to these numbers such as “Manager”, “Project Manager”, or Employee. While you want to display these descriptions in a ComboBox, like that shown in Figure 1, you want to store the Employee Type ID number into your Employee table to make the data smaller and make it more efficient to join between the two tables.

  • Synch a ComboBox in WPF with Foreign Keys

    In most database applications you will have foreign keys to express a relationship between one table and another. Many times this takes the form of a lookup table where you want the user to pick from a selection of items such as an Employee Type for an Employee record. You don’t want to have the user remember a number such as 1, 2, or 3, but instead they will pick from a list of the description that corresponds to these numbers such as “Manager”, “Project Manager”, or Employee. While you want to display these descriptions in a ComboBox, like that shown in Figure 1, you want to store the Employee Type ID number into your Employee table to make the data smaller and make it more efficient to join between the two tables.

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