Implementing React's UseState in C#
It's been a long time since my last post! Well, I'll try to change that. For now, I'll just leave something I was playing with: an implementation in C# of React's UseState function (or hook, in React terminology). This is merely for fun, but, hey, who knows if it might help someone!
public static class React
public static (Func<T>, Action<T> ) UseState<T> (T defaultValue = default) { var item = defaultValue ?? ((typeof(T) != typeof(string)) ? Activator.CreateInstance<T> () : (T) (object) string.Empty); Func<T> getter = () => item; Action<T> setter = (T value) => item = value; return (getter, setter); }
And here's how to use it:
var (get, set) = React.UseState("123"); var current = get(); //123 set("456"); var after = get(); //456
The idea here is simple: React.UseState returns a tuple which includes both a getter and a setter lambda; you use them to manipulate some private state, of which you can set the initial value. Only through these lambdas can this be achieved. One word of caution: it won't work with interfaces, abstract classes or types that do not have a public parameterless constructor, unless you pass the default value.
As always, hope you enjoy it! Feel free to share your thoughts!